

Hi, I’m Fiona and I’m a qualified and registered counsellor based in Melbourne, Australia. After mum died, it was clear to me that I would not survive without professional help. I didn't know how to live my life without her... she was my person. My grief needed to be processed for me to move forward. Without doing so, I would have fallen into a huge, black hole. I sought help immediately after her passing and found that talking to someone without feeling as though I was burdening them helped a lot.

My experience with loss had me re-evaluating my life and led me to want to use my experience to help others overcome their grief. I did not want her death to be in vain. So, about two years after she passed away, I enrolled in a Diploma of Counselling program. Mum’s influence and guidance continue to help me move forward and after completing my qualifications, Guidance Through Grief was born. It is my way of honouring her legacy. The one thing I want you to know, is that whomever or whatever you have lost, I am here for you. I am here to listen, to hold space, to be with you. You are not alone. When you feel ready, I’ll be right here for you. In fact, we can work together in almost any way that feels right for you. We can walk and talk, we can speak on the phone and, we can meet online. What’s the easiest way to allow yourself to be supported right now? Let me know.

I’m a member of the Australian Counselling Association and use a person-centred approach which means I put you at the centre of everything we do together. You are a unique individual and possess all the tools required to process your grief. I am trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which uses acknowledgement and mindfulness strategies to help you make space for those difficult thoughts and feelings so that your grief no longer takes hold of you.

member of australian counselling association
verified by psychology today